Voices of Angels: New Anthology

J    ust to let you know that one of my stories is being aired in a new anthology, Voices of Angels by Bridgehouse  . Bridgehouse, run by Gill James and Debz Hobbs Wyatt is an independent publisher who aim to promote new writing and in particular produce short story anthologies. If you are a short story writer they provide a great avenue for publication. They also support charities through their anthologies. Voices of Angels supports the Caron Keating cancer charity and has a foreword by Gloria Hunniford.

My story Meringue has been included in the anthology and it’s not your typical Angel story (as can be said for the others in the anthology.) Rosie is not particularly angelic, she’s a woman of larger proportions who doesn’t take herself seriously, she views the world with black humour. She looks after her two nieces Sasha and Natalie and was recently jilted.

Well it wasn’t actually at the altar. It was two weeks before. As it happens I was trying on my wedding dress, the dressmaker had managed to let it out another two inches and I was just making sure I could get it on. I was looking in the full length mirror and lifting up my head (for once, to minimize the resting chin syndrome) and I was thinking “Meringue” and it was a light, gooey, happy feeling because I like meringue and I could see myself floating in a sweet, sugary, angelic cloud down the aisle of St Judes, and landing precisely in pump encased plump feet beside darling Richard, my own, finally, all six foot two of him and that’s high not wide.

As she sees it she and Richard were “cleaved apart by the forces of inertia. He wasn’t really sure if he wanted to trade in BBC4 for the Living Channel or eau de reheated casserole for rose water and ylang ylang.”

The story takes place in the hospital. Her mother, with whom she’s had a difficult relationship is fading but as Rosie thinks How is it she grows tinier every day but is taking so long to disappear?

The Voices of Angels anthology may have Angels as it’s theme but it has a wide appeal. The stories have a wide variety: from comic, poetic, serious and surprising. The seventeen contributions are from:

Raphaela Bruckdorfer, Carol Croxton  , Sarah Evans    , Kirsty Ferry, Shirley Golden    , Maria Herring, Misha Herwin, Debz Hobbs-Wyatt, A.J. Kirby  , Katie Lilly, David R Morgan, Norma Murray, A.J. Spindle  , Holly Stacey, Sally Tarpey, Alison Wells, Laura Wilkinson   

Every day in Advent on it’s Facebook page     Voices of Angels is presenting extracts from each of the stories. So have a look and see which catches your fancy.

The Kindle edition is available here 

And paperback available from:

Bridgehouse  , Amazon UK     and Amazon US   

3 responses to “Voices of Angels: New Anthology”

  1. Michelle Moloney Avatar
    Michelle Moloney

    Love the sound of your story, a untypical angel experience,

  2. Alison, I’d really like for you to know how much I enjoy your posts. Since they come right to my inbox, I read and enjoy them whenever they come. I should apologize, though, because I am not one to comment very often. Please know that just because I don’t comment, it doesn’t mean that I dismiss your writing. I love the way you write and your voice is so unique.
    Your story sounds as unique as your voice and I love the title. You are very creative and I want to read the whole story. I plan to purchase soon.
    I hope you and your family have a very Blessed Christmas:-)

  3. This book is on my Christmas list, and I am a fellow Bridgehouse author. I also enjoy your posts Alison, Merry Christmas! : )

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