Extract from The Book of Remembered Possibilities

“I am spinning tales. I prick my finger on the spinning wheel and sleep for a million years. In this ancient universe I appear, over and over, reaching for meaning, words magnetising to my tongue so I utter all these messages of utter import. I am from the future, I am flying backwards on the day of an accident. But words are dumb things…everything cannot be said.

Perhaps there came upon the earth a contagion of stories. An unstoppable compulsion. Perhaps a solar flare carried the seeds of ideas in neutrinos onto the earth and blew them like the filamentous achenes of dandelion clocks all around the world. Perhaps then there were stories; legends and classic tales that live on or tales like the mayflies that die in a day but blaze in beauty and truth for the short time they live. There are stories at bedsides, firesides, at campfires, in courts and inquiries, tales woven behind the doors of banks and governments, tales spun, like the spinning of treacherous spinning wheels where a princess – a whole nation – can be both enchanted and undone. Analolgies and parodies, from Swift’s satire to Wilde’s wit. From the seanchaí to the performance poet. From a woman on the other side of the ether who whispers in the ears of the lost.”

Extract from The Book of Remembered Possibilities my just completed literary novel.

© Alison Wells All Rights Reserved

5 responses to “Extract from The Book of Remembered Possibilities”

  1. This is the style of your writing that I read and feel myself priviledged to have seen it. Such a beautiful extract. I’m looking forward to the book.

  2. LOVE! Well done and huge congratulations on finishing, Alison x

  3. Looking forward to seeing this one up on the shelves 🙂 X

  4. Congratulations Alison on finishing the novel. Love the title and the prose extract. You’ve really whetted the appetite. Are you self publishing this one? Best of look with the launch and let us all know when that will be. Well done.

    1. Hi Gerry, this one is going out to agents, so we’ll have to see. Beavering away on the next one!

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